In the News

Press for SPRING SHADOWS Album:

From Cinemusical, by Steven A. Kennedy: “Composer Anne Neikirk’s collection of electronic solo music features a fascinating blend of solo instruments against here textural backdrops.  She manipulates the sounds of tenor saxophone (“Balloonman”), flute (“Flicker”), harp (“locoMotives”), and percussion (“Lung Ta”) into often intriguing sounds that connect with aspects of each instrumental performance sounds.  The music takes its inspiration from poetry, the natural world, and the Tibetan Flag (in the final multi-movement “Lung Ta”).  Each piece allows for different expressions and approaches to ambient writing with manipulation of acoustic material integrated well together.  The music is quite accessible and and there is a more intimate quality that comes through well in these works.”

From the Take Effect Review: “Spring Shadows invokes all the feelings of the coming season with its sense of rebirth and rejuvenating, as the core elements of earth, wind and water are all very rooted in this nature focused experience.”

From Parma Recordings: “Neikirk takes the listener on a journey through the energy of a fire, the rushing anxiety of a moving train, and the waving of a flag, all through the use of solo instruments distorted through the lens of electronic manipulation.”

Lexical Tones Podcasts:

On being a composer and a parent:

On memorable concerts and festivals (while sleep deprived):

On the 2019 SCI National Conference:

Interview between Neikirk and fellow ADJ composer Rob Deemer:

Round Table on Gender Diversity in Composition:

Interview with Rob McClure, host:

Interview with host Julie Motz on Art’s Desire, KWMR FM
(West Marin Community Radio, CA) December 19, 2013

Review of locoMotives from Fringe Festival concert reviewer Gene De Lisa:

“Neikirk’s work, locoMotives, is for harp and Electronic Sounds on tape. That might seem to be an anachronism in today’s era of live electronics. Even though programs such as SuperCollider can process sound in real time – I remember my own pre-1990 tape pieces which took overnight to process (yes, overnight) – there is still life in the medium, especially in the hands of a talented composer.”